What we do.


We use iridology as a diagnostic tool. The iris let us see your constitution type and familial tendencies.

Every fibre of your iris is connected to & communicating the brain & records by leaving imprints on the coloured part of the eye.

Your iris structure can indicate emotional & physical strengths & weaknesses. Reveals excesses & deficiencies

‘We are discovering that the eye works two ways; not only does it enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also
shows images of what is within to the outside’
– Dr. Bernard Jensen

Case Taking

In order to give you the best tailor made herbal prescription we use extensive case taking to get to the root of your imbalance instead of masking symptoms.

Naturopathic Advice

We use a holistic approach, and also provide naturopathic advice to help support the herbs and initiate beneficial changes.

Herbal Prescriptions

As a qualified herbalist I am trained in the chemical constituents of herbal medicines to ensure there are no contraindications. Herbal prescriptions are sourced from ethical sources and organic where possible.

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